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Online Enrolment Form 2025

Fill out our online application form.

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Parental Permission Form

Go on school tours, local educational visits, field trips and participate in school activities e.g matches, tennis, swimming, zumba etc.
Have you read our Acceptable Internet Use Policy and do you grant permission for your child to access the Internet? Do you understand that Internet access is intended for educational purposes and every reasonable precaution has been taken by the school to provide for online safety but the school cannot be held responsible if pupils access unsuitable websites?
On occasion such as school events, local press photographers take group photos of children and in some instances identify the children by name. Do you agree to the school using your child’s image in this way?
Can we use your child’s name and or photo in relation to publicising school events and activities in our newsletter, website and similar publications?
Images of your child and his or her work may appear on our website. Images may be of individuals or groups. Only your child’s first name will be used if at all. Do you agree to the school using your child’s image and first name in this way?
The school teaches ‘Stay Safe’ lessons on personal safety & protection and RSE (relationships & sexual education) lessons on developing and changing. Both are recommended and vetted by the Department of Education and Skills. Lessons are developed using suitable content and appropriate language for each class. Can your child participate in these lessons?
Do you give permission for your child to be taken immediately to a doctor or hospital in case of serious illness or accident? In a non emergency it is the school’s policy is to inform parents or guardians if their child has had an accident in school which may require them to collect their child and take him or her home or to hospital or doctor. In an emergency it may be necessary to take the child to hospital or doctor and inform parents or guardians afterwards.
Do you give permission for Hearing & Vision tests to be carried out by the school nurse?

* Please note that completion of this enrolment form does not guarantee a school placement. Confirmation of places will be communicated to you upon review of documents.

Please allow up to 10 seconds for documents to upload. Stay on the page until submit message appears.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon.

Need help to Enroll a student or need more Information? Contact Us Below

We are on mid-term break from October 28th -November 4th - school will re-open on Tuesday November 5th - Happy Halloween!!

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